30 Days Beginner Guide Day 27 : BDN copy email vs. original

What i always insist on original BDN ?

Once the bunkering is done, BDN come back , issue invoice, pay, all seems easy right ? Yeah i hope so normally original BDN take some time to come back because normally the bunker barge will supply a batch of vessels and gather the BDN and set back to the supplier office. Then the account department will gather a batch of BDN and start to issue the invoice to the trader. Then the account department of trader will gather  a batch of BDN and start to issue the invoice to client. After all those done, a courier will then sent to client and they finally receive the original copy.

Reason i insist on original copy is i had experience of supplying vessel in Hong Kong :

  1. After BDN signed and choped and barge sail away ,Captain then call owner say there is dispute and he put remark himself on his BDN copy.
  2. throw it on the sea ( yes throw the BDN to the sea and claim supplier never supply after BDN signed and cast off ).

What happen if the original is lost ? No worry normally a BDN will have 3-4 copys ( like a 3-4 layers carbon paper ), in case the vessel really lost it ( hopefully not throw to the sea ), you can request supplier give you one more and normally should be no problem


Until next time


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