30 days Beginner Guide Day 29: Credit Management

It work both way !

Something client should think about on this topic

  1. How much credit you have from this supplier ?
  2. What will happen if my only one supply channel cut my credit line ?
  3. How can i get credit direct from the Physical supplier ?
  4. How can i make sure i have enough credit facility for 2020 ?
  5. How much credit i am doing with this supplier ? what if they close down will I become OW 2.0 victim ?
  6. Should i pay CIA to start credit with this supplier ?
  7. How many days credit do i need ? should i get a discount on shorter payment ? or should i pay premium to have longer credit terms ?
  8. Should i pay late interest to maintain the credit ? or i just go through other channel ?
  9. How many channel i am covering on this port ? is that enough or i should expand more ?
  10. Do i know my supplier ? hows their financial like ? whats their reputation like ? are there any rumors  talking about them recently ? what asset do they have ?

Above are my real troughs when I encounter a new supplier every time.


Until next time


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