Malaysia vs. Singapore ? < Part 2 >

In Part 1 we discuss about why its a challenge for Malaysia to try to take over Singapore but in the new era there are still edges Malaysia can try to gain:

1. Small volume supply
Now in Singapore since MFM implemt there are additional barging on Ifo and lsmgo , the price gap will be huge for those requirement less than 500mt after factoring in those barging charge, providing extra financial incentives like discounted calling charge can help on the situation
2. 180cst and Blended product
For those 180cst users you should know it’s very challenging to get 180cst or 120cst in Singapore ( almost impossible if you Given short notice ), with the supply of this niche products can help attract a percentage of ships to Malaysia
3. Bunker lead time
Now in Singapore generally require 7-11 days in advance for ordering bunker , with aid of AI or other means of schedule optimization if Malaysia can do short lead time will help a set of ships that require prompt supply.
Until Next time

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