Why you should give a F**K on open loop scrubber ban.. (even you cant afford one )



One of the biggest news last week definitely be the recent ban of open loop scrubber in Fujairah port . Immediately we see scrubber advocate group and scrubber manufacturer comment the impact is “minimal”  and not rational, similar my butcher downstairs also told me the pork is completely safe after i ask him about African swine fever virus, well this blog is about action and what information ship owner can get from this recent movement.

Scrubber ban in the ports means when the ship come to FJH / Singapore / China – dated 2feb 19 so far, you can only switch to LSFO or LSMGO in the port and on open loop scrubber water can be used and ejected during the operation.

What the meaningful information here is we expect more LSFO and LSMGO should be prepared from the oil major and terminal to fulfill the requirement that required by both scrubber-equipped and non scrubber-equipped vessel.

If your vessel don’t have scrubber , make sure you know the up coming trend and plan your bunker requirement plan accordingly.


Until next Time !

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