Should you still trust MFM ??

Hundreds of phone call and email after one of the hit article last week regarding a story of a magnet is taped on the MFM and there is possibility of affecting the meter reading. Many clients concerned that should they abandon MFM and trust the meter.

(article Link :

According to MPA Singapore TR48, unless the meter is broken down in the middle of the operation in very rare case, all BDN figures should be made using MFM figures final and binding.

Therefore both CE and surveyor ( if engaged ) should check on the meter to see if all seal is attached and any doubt of addition facility for potential manipulation of the meter. In case any doubt you should called Quality service manager hotline  : 1800-272 5880

However with the recent years of Fierce move of Singapore MPA I highly doubt supplier will risk their license and investment for all the MFM meter installed barge for a small gain towards each supplier, especially for a blue-chips well known supplier.

Until next time !

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