30 Days Beginner Guide Day 1 : Introduction

Want to try a new format of talking about bunkering, a lots of industrial norm and practice as a traders in-field for 13 years we through its common sense, but its shockingly that in reality many new buyer or even traders not know those way and try to implement some new way of fixing bunkers such as :

  •  enquiry with no vessel name,
  • ETA 1-24 May
  • asking if supplier can hold the price still tmr if the price go up then will fix as today price (true story )

and not realizing why its difficult to quote and how some of the “innovative” way is not workable.

Therefore for the next 30days i would like to talk about some really fundamentals topics, some of those practice i been following for the past 13 years, if you do it differently or if you have a better way to do it, feel free to comment below and lets make the process more efficient and sensible.




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