30 Days Beginner Guide Day 6 : ETA

Can I put 1 / 30 May ?

As a matter of fact, you could if you are fixing a contract. However in Spot enquiry that could be a challenge to most of the supplier .

Generally a ETA range should be 3/5 days, sometimes it could be 7. The main reason is supplier need to work on the barge schedule to know if they can take the orders and perform a timely delivery. Especially for some small supplier if they only have 1/2 barges and they see 4 vessel coming on the same days and your enquiry liaise on the exact range , they might have a concern on deliver the vessel on time.

Another thing about ETA is they are part of the bunker contract, if you fix a vessel to supply on 10 May but then your vessel come on 20 May, supplier have rights to re-offer the bunker price as your ships fail to take the bunker on the mutually agreed date ( highly depends on the supplier T&C and other factors like the price trend ).



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