30 Days Beginner Guide Day 7 : Port

This cant make any mistake right …

Common thing to consider a bunker port is of course

1. Pricing

If you fix bunker in a usual bunker port generally will be much cheaper than you do the operation in middle of no where in a unknown port, simply result of supply and demand and the already invested infrastructure. Get an indication price between the port you might call and you can see clearly which place is more cost effective

2. Quality

Quality in terms of service and the product, for example consider Singapore and Hong Kong, Singapore have a full regulation like MFM barge meters and TF42 all those guidelines on the bunker operation, Hong Kong is still on sounding and in case anything happen, Hong Kong marine department really don’t bother to assist or handle any commercial dispute.

in terms of quality, some port can even supply ISO 8217 international standard oil but their own national standard, check the quality of bunker before you decide which port to bunker

3. Operation

In certain port there are restriction for certain vessels. For example , a oil tanker will experience more difficulty to book bunker in changjiang kou china as custom normally will reject the request due to safety reason ( even from state own supplier ). Make sure double check with your supply channel to confirm if your vessel can take bunker in that port.


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