30 days Beginner Guide Day 8 : Grade

Do you know what is your ship burning ?

In shorts, normally your ship will burn Fuel Oil (IFO ) or Marine gasoline oil (MGO)

for IFO, depends on your ships size and age, generally 380cst is the main product now in the market. If you have a bigger ship or a container ship, it could go up to 500cst. While for older ship and smaller vessel, it could also use 180cst. “cst”  is a measurement of the viscosity, the higher the number the more “viscous” it is, consider MGO as a coconut water and 380cst is a dense smoothie.

Sometimes a blended product might also needed for some small vessel, e.g. 120cst. Those product will be mix by the supplier instead of getting straight from the refinery like 380cst or 180cst. If you look at market in Singapore or Hong Kong, normally only big supplier can do blended product. The major reason is if take a full tank of the supplier barge to mix the product and wait to delivery to the ships. For a small supplier they simply don’t have the capacity of the tank and the waiting time.

Hope above can help , until next time !


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