30 days Beginner Guide Day 10: Specification

One of most important element on the nomination

When you book the bunkers we might automatically assume that the specs is ISO 8217 but actually its not, normally in small bunker port the spec is not ISO but domestic oil major spec. For example if you get bunkers in shipyard in China for a test-drive of your new built, the spec normally is not ISO but “State specification” bunkers.

Another common question is what is the difference between ISO 8217:2005 , ISO 8217:2010 and why are we still using ISO 8217:2010 in the year of 2019 ? well to answer the first question the parameter is difference, generally the newer the specification the better the oil in terms of more relevant parameters is included after feedback from shipping industry and technology advancement. By the end of 2019 a new specification is expected to be published for the upcoming VLSFO regulation and we can see further development of the requirement of the specification.

For ship operator / charterer, its important to know the bunker you book is aligned with what its required in your CP. As you might have the problem while you sign CP on one spec and you confirm with supplier on a different spec.

Hope its helpful , until next time !


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