30 days Beginner Guide Day 11: Special Terms

Make sure you aware some of this before you fix !

Apart from a normal general T&C, there are some special terms you should know upon fixing

  1. MFM barge figures final and binding

If you are bunkering in Singapore, the BDN figures is no longer using tank measurement but a MFM meter instead. The meter is inspected by MPA and make sure all figures are correct and they will measure all the density and calculation in one stop. Basically the job of your chief engineer is to prepare some peanut and witness the whole process. The final figures will be determined by the meter so there is no point of arguing or raise any quantity dispute ( however there are supplier start to use some way to try to gain an edge – read here )

2. Supply basis approval of shipyard

A very common terms for your vessel supply in shipyard especially in China, normally a permit is needed and also need to work with the shipyard to supply the vessel when there are no fire work or other dangerous operation in the meantime. If you are on a tight schedule and happen the shipyard have some serious fire related work to do then you have to take that into consideration

3. Supply basis funds in nominated bank account

If you are doing a CIA stem, most supplier can only supply after the money go in / seen from the bank account. Have a reasonable expectation and dont expect hose connected immediately 10mins after you make the payment, more on this at < Make the best out of a CA$H deal >

Always ask if you are not sure why special terms are there ! until next time

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