30 days Beginner Guide Day 13: Validity

Please reply soonest…..

When we are talking validity apart from the offer validity but i would like to address price validity also :

<Offer validity >

Normally when supplier offer a price, for example 500usd/MTD , valid till 1800LT. The reason for the validity is firstly, the oil price move up and down, the price might shoot up in 2 hours and now the supplier would have to revise the offer to reflect the actual oil price trend ; secondly, supplier also freeze up the barge schedule to facilitate your enquiry ETA so if you confirm within validity he has to deliver, so if after validity there is no feedback / confirmation supplier has the right to offer other vessel with similar ETA and when you come back he cannot do anymore.

<Price validity >

When you confirm a order on ETA 3-10 May and your vessel finally come at 24 May, supplier has a right to re-offer the vessel as now you are “out of validity”. Every supplier T&C is different but normally is around 3days range on average. Same as the “laycan” concept in shipping i believe we don’t need further explanation. One practical advice i will give to client is if you foresee a possible huge delay on your nomination, communicate with your supplier earlier so they can move your vessel while the barge schedule still available and open.

Until next time !

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