30 days Beginner Guide Day 14: Supplier Terms and conditions

Have you ever read the supplier terms and conditions ? ( or treat it like iTUNES agreement )

Few things you want to check on the supplier terms and conditions

1. Quality claim time bar

One of the most important thing to check as in any case after your vessel take the bunker, start using it and the crew report there is a problem, if the time you raise the quality concern is over the time bar ( e.g. 14days), supplier has the right to reject any quality claim after the time bar.

2. Price validity

How long can your vessel delay from the nominated ETA ? most supplier will have a little time allowance on that, but always know if your vessel have a big delay and your supplier has the right to re-offer to your ship if it fail to come on the agreed supply date.

3. Extra charges

Any additional barging ? oil fence fee ? oil booming fee ? Not all the ports are quoted in delivered price and many charges you should know before you fix the bunkers, always double check with your bunker supplier on the information.


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