30 days Beginner Guide Day 16 :Feedback

Did you master the art of negotiation ?

Once you send out the firm enquiry you will start collecting offer, price from supplier A, price from supplier B, now what next is not that difficult, get the best price with the best service with best credit terms.

At this point you have to make the best decision base on

1. What is the quality of service ? how many barge they have ? can they supply on time ?

2. What is the quality of the bunker ? are that international standard ?

3. What is payment terms ? Shall i pay CIA to the unknown physical supplier in this port or i should pay premium with credit to the traders?

Its completely okay to let your desired supplier know which level you want and see if they can meet and fix the deal. However for feedback that tooo far off from the market level will just make supplier lost interest and think you are not keen to fix t and might redraw offer. Also pay attention on the validity especially for your vessel on tight ETA, you might rather get the vessel supplied on time rather than have a USD5 discount but vessel have have to wait 2 days.

Also be aware of how many channel you ask as if you check with 20 channels for a port that only have one supplier, it make no sense and very obvious when you go around and try to ask for discount from everyone, more on that check out < How many channel should I cover for my enquiry ?>

Until next time


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