30 Days Beginner Guide Day 17 : Firm Counter

Why is he keep asking ” is it firm ? is it firm ?”

After you gather all the price and ready to make a purchase decision – this is the time for  “a counter “.

The different between a feedback and a counter is , if the supplier can do your feedback that have no obligation on your side to confirm or whatever, however if you give a firm counter and he accepted – that’s a contract and you just make a purchase.

Few things to note when consider firm counter

1. When you give a firm counter, supplier has the right to drop / redraw previous offer. Back to the last guide  if the market price is 400 and you give a counter on 350, what you get is no offer and if you lucky you will keep the first round offer .

2. You can give feedback to multiple channel but you cannot firm counter more than one in the same time. Because if both channel come back both can do it then you double book your bunkers.  If case the supplier / trader didnt come back, give them some headsup before you tell them you have to counter other people because if always make no sense to wait for hours.

3. After the supplier accept your counter there are still work to be done, the next guide will go thru detail on the next step.

Until next time and leave me a comment on what you think !


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