Trade bunker like a i-banker

Bunker Platform



Just finish the 4th bunker platform discussion with another new service provider , it seems the trend this year  – trade the enquiry in the platform , just login the platform and enquiry will flow to you , use one channel and you can get the business , but is that really that simple ?!

The first time I encounter the concept of trading platform dated back to 2010, at that time one platform provider required supplier to key in their Lowest level on different grade of fuel oil  and they will “assign” you the ship if you get the bid. Of course it went into complete failure as bunker is not stock! With no vessel name , no eta , no quantity how a supplier can give you a valid quote ! Maybe they can give you an indication but that’s pretty much it. (read more about indication vs offer here )

With the advancement of technology nowadays with the better algorithm and app development , it’s getting close to the experience of actually trading but still , one key part is needed for platform supplier to consider

The humanity of the trading is – for certain issue you have to talk to a HUMAN being or expect a human response. What if there is an urgent change of eta or urgent change of quantity ? What if you have a technical issue want to settle before you can confirm the bunker ?

Having say that , I still believe the trend of AI and bot will be increasing influenced the industry, it will probably start with operation first , like the trend in the banking /finance sector, certain CS work already shift to automation , as a trader we can work against the flow OR swim with it ! Instead of asking ” how the robot can replace me ” , how about replace it with “how can I give a better service with aid of the technology “. Better question create better answer !

Until next time !



What do think about this ?