30 Days Beginner Guide Day 18 : Confirmation

One of most important document apart from the Bunker delivery note

As we could confirm million dollars deal by just confirm on the phone, the paperwork is still king in the shipping world. A nomination is never fully finished unless a written confirmation note is sent.

When you receive the confirmation always check the content is correct as in case anything goes wrong, only written confirmation acknowledged by both party will be recongized

  1. Vessel name and IMO , as mentioned earlier, its easy to have typo error or wrong IMO sometimes, double check all the spelling and have a correct IMO numbers
  2. ETA : If during enquiry you put a range, did the full range also written on the confirmation ? as sometimes supplier might wrongly just put on the first day but not the full range then in case vessel delay then there might be an issue.
  3. Specifications, if you on enquiry state LOW Sulfur MGO but on confirmation is       LSMGO or normal MGO ? 2005 spec or 2010 spec?
  4. Credit terms, make sure the right credit terms is presented as sometimes you might alter payment terms longer or shorter with different price to get the best out of the voyage.


Until next time !


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