30 Days Beginner Guide Day 19 : ETA update

Who should do the update ?

From today onward the topic will shift from bunker purchase to bunker operation.

The more important questions when it comes to ETA update is – did the operation people already in contact ? Its important to know your Captain already communicate with the ship agent, the ship agent communicate with the physical supplier / barge operations.

For a normal operation, ship will update the ETA to the shipping agent and agent will liase direct with the physical supplier and updated them the latest ETA on regular basis. In case you supply in Outer anchorage or no agent is appointed, ship will liase direct with the barge operation and updated supplier direct.

One of the worst practice is ship owner update ETA to the supplier ,  the bunker trader updating the supplier, agent calling supplier, and ship also emailing direct to supplier, the problem for that is there are now 4 channels of information and obviously only one of those is updated. Quote the greatest advertising man ever alive David Ogilvy once said ” Don’t hire a dog then bark yourself “. Let the agent and/or barge operation do their job.

Hope that is helpful until next time !


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