30 Days Beginner Guide Day 20 : On board operation – hose connect / alongside

Yup its not like petrol station……..

so now the ETA is updated, your vessel drop anchor, bunker barge ready to go alongside and bunker start pumping…….not yet

First of all the operation is more complicated than that before the actual “bunkering”, bunker barge first need to go alongside which means the bunker barge will go close to your vessel ( but not too close – that’s the tire around bunker barge are for to avoid collision”. Then there will be a magic ladder time – a ladder is connected from bunker barge and the receiving vessel and the cargo officer / bunker barge crew will climb up and start the operation.

Normally the whole alongside / hose connect operation will be around 30-45mins, depends on hows the height different. Also please don’t rush your supplier on that, if you have experience climbing the ladder in rough sea while you might be killed by middle of two vessels you will know how much appreciation you should give to your third chief engineer and cargo officer for the climbing up and down.

Once everything is in place then the next procedure continue……..

Until next time

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