30 Days Beginner Guide Day 21 : Pre-bunker operation

What else should be done before the “start pumping” button ?

Paperwork………yes many paperwork, since different port has slightly different practice but here is a few documents vessel need to sign before the operation begin

  1. Bunker Acquisition form : A form that state clearly what is the bunker quantity determined to be taken, the date, like a pre-BDN form to make sure all parties know whats going on , you will be surprised very often there is different figures from the operator and the vessel Captain required and thats a good time to keep everyone on the same page\
  2. Tank Measurement form : apart from Singapore , it is another super important document as the figures before and after hunkering, barge figures should be final and binding and used as the BDN figures. Its crucial to make sure crew member come down to bunker barge and measure before / after tank measurement. In case of any quantity disturb, this will be a very crucial document for all parties to look at.
  3. Vessel next port declaration : For some port is very important to know the next port as special government tax might be imposed. For example in Fujairah a new GST is imposed recently and its important to know where the vessel next port. For Malaysia is even more complicated , GST might be imposed base on variable like last port / next port / loading port / port stay etc.

Until next time

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