30 Days Beginner Guide Day 23 : Barge figures = BDN figures

WHY don’t you come to my vessel ?

Probably one of the most common question follow after ” do you think tomorrow price will go up or down ?”

Reason of bunker barge figures final and binding because :

1. Size of bunker barge : Consider the size of the bunker barge to a normal receiving vessel. The size of the tank is wayyyyyy bigger than those in bunker barges. Its easier in terms of operation / technical reason to measure a smaller area to determine the quantity delivered than to measure few football squares

2. Constant measurement : How many surveyors come on board to check your tank on a commercial vessel ? maybe when you are at shore or receiving bunkers once or twice per months. A bunker barge normally get checked few times a DAY as its a non stop supplying ( if the business is good ). There is less chances of structural error or malpractice on that frequent of checking.

3. Industrial standard practice : By far on most of the bunkering ports, the terms and conditions are base on barge figures final and binding, its a international industrial practice. As long as the chief engineer of receiving vessel  / surveyor / cargo officer of bunker barge witness the opening and closing of the barge tank measurement, that figures will be final as BDN figures.

Until next time


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