30 Days Beginner Guide Day 24 :Dispute Management

Yes its a awkward topic ……….

Talking about dispute is like Asian parents talk about sex education, its crucial yet cringey at the same time. I have heard supplier say ” we NEVER dispute “, my own response is “maybe you should supply more vessel”. Yes it happen and instead of shy away from the it lets get down to what can you do when that happen

Quantity dispute : Gather all the document, check the tank measurement form, is there sign and witness on the opening / closing on the barge measurement ? are surveyor on board ? check again on the figures to see if any potential mis-calculation, if that happen in Singapore you can actually call MPA for help (while most of the time MFM barge figures will be final and binding anyway). Letter of protest might be issued if necessary.

Quality dispute : put in written form to your trader / supplier within the time bar of the quality claim . Get a mutually agreed lab in the port of bunkering, get the BDN sample (MUST BE BDN sample ), witness the seal breaking / opening by your representative / supplier representative, test it , the result should be mutually agreed by written form that is final and binding to all parties so you dont cycle testing and testing and testing.

Just a general picture of what should you do but situation vary, let me know your through on it

Until next time


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