30 Days Beginner Guide Day 26 : Agency Fee

More fees to come…..

Yes another common fee apart from bunker bill is the agency fee. Normally the fee is calculated in “government charges ” + “Service charge “.

Government charges : As mentioned in Day 25, anchor fee , port due etc will be included when the agent bill you. Different port have different charges with different method of calculation , some port use GRT, some use DWT, like Hong Kong and Singapore are using different calculation method. Port stay, oil blooming and light house charges ( even the bunkering is on daytime )

Service charges : The fee charged for the service by the agency. The fee by the well known brand name multinational agency is different than the one man band agency working in his mom basement. However there is no co-relation between price and service you received, there are amazing agency personnel in MNCS but also in one man office, I have also met horrible agency personal in MNCS and small firm which they are always out of reach. Word of mouth and your personal expereience is the best guiding force for you to choose the agency in the bunkering port.

Until next time


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