30 days Beginner Guide Day 30: Moving forward

First of all, BIG THANK YOU if you follow till day 30 ! bunkering is not the sexiest topic in the world and English is not my first language and i cant say thank you enough if you are supporting me for the past 30days and thank you for every single engagement and comment for the previous posts.

I am definitely not the most knowledgeable person in this field but yet i am striking to get better every single day by reading new material, talk to different players in the field, taking lesson from different mentors who is in this field for eternity. I am trying my best to stay in the market and be relevant of whats happening.

In the coming years 2020 gonna be a new challenge for everyone in shipping in terms of knowledge, credit management, technical challenge etc and i believe a chaos time like this is the best chances for us to put down the old / “take it for granted” way but embrace the new upcoming unknown.

Let me know how you feel on the format of sharing and lets keep in touch for future topics !

Until next time !


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