Indonesia : Checkmate !

First one to say NO to 2020 new standard

One of interesting news this week is on title Indonesia is the first country to accept Indonesia flag vessel to consume normal sulfur fuel oil in Indonesia water after 2020 as the supply is not “ready” yet.  From the long struggle owners of deciding just consume LSFO or install the scrubbers.

As an Asian living next to Indonesia for years , I am personally pretty sure Indonesia will go ahead and do so and next i am thinking – what could happen if they just allow HSFO to be consumed ?

According to MARPOL Annex VI, regulation 14), Indonesia agreement to be part of the agreement and now if they decide not going through with it, are they gonna be to sued ? a legal case ? where the legal case will it held ?

Another possible consequences is once Indonesia go ahead and allowing domestic vessel to do the same, it could also encourage other small port with limited LSFO capacity to do the same as “if they could do it, i could do it too “.

Of course after the press is released-  everyone is pointing fingers to Indonesia. However it could also shed some light on maybe in addition to oil majors, physical supplier, bunker trader, ship owners now EVEN one of the most important port in Asia also not ready for the rapid change in 1 Jan 2020, we shall see how things progress in the coming 4 months in the market

Until Next Time !

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