When is your earliest delivery ??

Dont fall into the trap of “earliest date”

Probably one of the most frequent asked question from trader /  client , however reading too much into it might cause problem, here is why
1. It’s dynamic
At 5pm the earliest schedule of a supplier is 10th sept but on 8pm it could be 8th Sept already , it’s crucial to understand  that even a supplier wont know how many enquiry will flood out in the next hours ; therefore enquiry should be fixed with a boarder sense of information instead of one data point.
2. There are more variables than barge schedule
Normally when answering “earliest” most supplier will check their barge schedule and estimated the “earliest date” . However the loading schedule from terminal is also a factor , barge earliest could be tonight but terminal earliest loading is 5 days from now and most oil terminal wont keep supplier live updated on their loading schedule.
3. Always have a rough idea when should fix the enquiry instead of procrastinate to the last minute
As mentioned as my previous article <Bad Habit of bunker purchasing in Singapore>, sometimes when we see price dropping we might think it will continue dropping, when we see the price go up and expect price will come down as its “up too much” . The ideology of “I could always fix lower” turn out will become “I will pay more for no reason”.
Don’t wait till the last minute !
Until next time ~

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