What would happen if I forget to send final qty ?

It’s not uncommon that a client might fix a 300-400mt enquiry and forget to send final quantity at the end , normally as a trader / supplier we would keep remaining client to send final quantity to avoid future misunderstanding.
Normally below would happen if client didn’t send final quantity
1. Supplier options
Supplier base on their cargo level and communication with the ships and deliver the quantity within the range of the nominated quantity. In special timing like Chinese New Year in Asia port the cargo is normally tight it would be common to receive the Lower end of the range.
2. Master options
Master will told the barge after alongside what’s the quantity needed. You might wander why don’t we do it every time as it sounds reasonable for the master to determine the final quantity. The fact is sometimes there are different opinion from the ship and the commercial side on the office. The master might want 950mt but commercial only ordered 800mt. The story can go even more complicated when involving charterer / owner and other operators.
Since supplier is nominated with the company but not the ship so supplier will follow the final decision of the company, which also the legal counterpart of the contract .

What do think about this ?