WARNING : did you just dump 30k USD on the sea ?

We are not less than 2 weeks moving into 2020 , unless you are a master planner, some HS380cst should still be left in the tank like a ultra marathon runner just finish 10k, instead of going right in shipyard and do de-slopping, there is a limited time frame that those bunker can still turn into a small cashback.  Yes we are talking about de-bunkering of on-spec bunker and hopefully to get the max residue value , below are few things to consider :

1. Port
Normally speaking , the most busy the port, the easier you can sell the de-bunker product, therefore no one should be surprised about the fact that Singapore and Fujairah are among the most populated destination for the operation. Another key factor we need to consider is whether it is legal to do the de-bunkering operation, for example there is no de-bunkering in China and even for Singapore, there is operation difference between doing inport and doing OPL, when doing in-port most likely it will be treated as a de-slopping and the price offered normally is very low and barging charge might be applied, compare to EOPL which a debunker price will be offered and you could probably get some value back.

2. Price of debunker
Surprisingly compare to normal bunkering, the price IS NOT the main concern as the de-bunker price is getting crazily low since the HS380cst is one of the least favorite products for DECEMBER. We still see a USD30 different across different major ports therefore if you only have a small qty to get rid of, just find the easiest option and get it over with  but if you have a huge quantity then the price is something to consider.

3. Operation time
The operation time is mainly determined by the pumping rate of  your vessel, 95% of de-bunker operator don’t have any external pump unless you are dealing with de-slopping supplier, give or take 15MT/hr , an 200MT de-bunker operation normally will take around 20-24hours including alongside and sampling procedure. Especially in December we should also consider the waiting time for de-bunker barges as some supplier already run out of capacity for the operation and long waiting time is expected

Until next time

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