Why you guys hate “VNET” ?

Ever receive sales condition from Singapore supplier ” No (unfavorable surveyor 1) / No (unfavorable surveyor 2) / no VNETS ?

Haven’t receive this comment for so long since the implement of MFM, its worth discussing what is this VNETS and why everyone hate it ?

VNETS is short form of ” Net Volume of tanks taking structural reduction into consideration” ( credit : https://sevensurveyor.com/vnet-in-bunker-survey/) , it is a way to calculate the tank volume not by the certified tank book but by an additional version which “take tank structure” into account and do further measurement ( normally another 5-10% reduction base on my experience), so why most supplier banned it ?

1. Its always barge figure final and binding

The vessel can have 10 different tank books but supplier will always told you the same 1 thing, its not about how much you receive but how many they supplied.According to  industrial practice BDN figures should be determined by bunker barge, barge figures should be final and binding upon both representative witness opening and closing of sounding figures, for more please read < 30 Days Beginner Guide Day 23 : Barge figures = BDN figures>

2. Its an unauthorized copy

Its very hard to convince others that you take out a “tank book” that issued by ” very honest” shipyard in middle of nowhere in China and claim ” according to this extra edition”, although my tank book say its correct but it should be 10MT less ! Its no different than putting your cousin on board and say he is a “fair” surveyor ( Fun fact: Both practice are actually originated from the same province in China ! )

After few years of no supplier acknowledge the VNETS figures its only a small number of owners still try to take this VNETS into account once in a long while

Until next time


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