Don’t carry that anymore !

“The complementary MARPOL amendment will prohibit the carriage of non-compliant fuel oil for combustion purposes for propulsion or operation on board a ship – unless the ship has an exhaust gas cleaning system (“scrubber”) fitted. Installing a scrubber is accepted by flag States as an alternative means to meet the sulfur limit requirement.

The complementary amendment is expected to enter into force on 1 March 2020.”

<Abstract from IMO website >


After 1 Jan on all consumption on marine fuel oil must be low sulfur ( below 0.5%), by far most ship operator already experienced the double price bunker bill and seems most company still doing pretty well .
On 1st March the regulation will further expand into no storage or carrying any High sulfur products on board even the fuel is not plan to be used . In other word, no coke for you from 1 January and on 1 March if I found coke in your fridge you are in trouble.
For the next 30 days below can be done :
1. De-bunkering
For HS product de-bunker price getting lower and lower since late Dec , HS products still have some small value for supplier while i still suggest the operation should be done in  major ports due to price and barge availability
2. De-slopping
In case your vessel is stuck in port or area that de-bunkering is not available , de-slopping should be considered which cleaning out your wasted oil can be performed with small fees by shipyard or some independent barge Operators
3. Domestic usage ??
For vessels which work alternative for domestic / intentional routine , some countries already announced domestic routine is permitted for using high sulfur products , although IMO insist all vessels must follow the 2020 rule yet there are countries have a different stance , base on the main execution body is local port authority , I strongly suggest ship operators consult your local port authority and other shipping organization for further clarification.

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What do think about this ?