Get paid faster after de-bunker

When to show me the money ????

After de-bunkering there are few steps before supplier finally pay you back the residue value of the de-bunkers:

1. De-bunker BDN
Same as bunkering, de-bunker BDN is the document that record  the final quantity of the bunker received from the vessel, it normally takes fews days for the receiving barge to send back to the office and send to your office, while some suppliers might use soft copy but traditionally we will still wait for the original.

2. Lab test result
Sample will be drawn during the de-bunker operation ; In the negotiation phrase an agreed spec should be reached by both parties, therefore we need a lab test report to verify the standard. I have cases where during de-bunker , a ship captain who try to increase the  volume and therefore inject wasted water into the tank, when the test result come back the water is totally off spec and the agreed price wont be paid but a discounted off spec bunker price instead.

3. Bank account
YES, it seems obvious but its my weekly routine to chase clients for days for the bank details so we can pay them money. Make a proper invoice so the accountant of your trader / supplier can pay your bill timely !

Until next time ~

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