What is the barge name ?

One of the most interesting question ~

One of the most frequent being asked by client and most of the time by traders. At beginning of my career, i come up with reasons that maybe client banned certain barge , as it happen a lot in Hong Kong / Singapore that some barges are famous of being slow or not really “accurate”. However later I found out that client don’t really care which barge REALLY come and supply the vessel but rather ask for other reasons, i put some through on the matter for long time and below are some of my thinking:

1. If supplier already in contact with the agent / Captain
Many client actually want to know if supplier had already arrange the vessel in the schedule, if they have a barge assigned for the vessel means its in the schedule. However for most supplier the barge is almost assigned last minute before ETA as operation schedule might change anytime.

2. Supplier have constant update from Agent / Captain
When supplier have the info updated so they can arrange the schedule in a timely manner, so knowing the barge name give client an assurance that supplier already updated the schedule.

Although some people might argue that “wait a minute, if the ship know your barge name then they can VHF before the vessel anchored.” Again, those info should be work through agent / physical supplier or ship Captain / physical supplier, it all goes down to above points that a over-worrying attitude towards the operation, for more info can check out <30 Days Beginner Guide Day 19 : ETA update>.

Until next time

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