Contact-less Bunkering : Intro

What is the last time you have a “real ” meeting ?

Since late Jan 2020 while most of us in Asia come back from Chinese New Year holiday and ready to rock the business with our business plan from the  new year resolution, no one will expect 2019 will be the last time we see our client and have regular business meeting, no crew will expect that might be rejected entry and most of us have a new office room – aka your living room.

Fast forward to April 2020 , things keep escalating also in bunkering sector. In addition to one of the biggest price drop since LSFO appear in the market. Some ports don’t even allow certain ships to come in if  the last port is “risky.” No shift change for crew, no offloading for cruise traveler ,  the moment you come down the vessel you are subject to 14days quarantine.

The trend for the coming month is less and less human contact. Video meeting is the norm , your new meeting room is your guest room (aka your 15 sq/m “”apartment” if you are a rich HKIE or a broke Parisian ). How will this change how we conduct business in bunkering ? This series will explore different aspect in the supply chain and make a prediction on how things might play out. Stay tune !

Until next time

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