Contactless bunkering (2) AI operation

First step of AI in bunkering

Bunkering operation is definitely one of the most under-appreciated position in the supply chain. Imagine you have 20 ships to supply this week and you have 20 shipping agent and barge crew and sales people to co-ordinate. The ETA of the vessel is constantly changing and people might call you at midnight as the vessel just drop anchor 10seconds ago but the bunker barge is yet in sight.

Despite the the affection for operation is not that much as they are pretty much 24hours on call / message and there is minimal need for meeting . Yet it will be a good time to consider implementation AI and automation in the process. Imagine if the barge schedule , vessel ETA, weather forecast, all can be fit together in a system. Scheduling and barge allocation can be optimized by precise computer calculation. Client can just login and see when and which barge is going and probability that the operation will be delayed due to bad weather.  While most investment now is pouring in sales and trading platform , i personally believe the operation could be hugely benefit from big data and machine learning.

Stay strong and safe !

Until next time

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