Contactless bunkering (3) Stand back chief Engineer !

Burn that Rope ladder

Probably one of the easier way to catch on the virus in the supply chain, you can call the client , you can call the agent for ETA update, but you cant supply the 1000MT through whats-app. In most bunkering port which the quantity is determined by the figures of the bunker barge,  chief Engineer (or 3rd engineer – mammals tend to sacrifice  the one in the bottom of the hierarchy “) is required to come down to the bunker barge to witness the opening and closing of the supply tank. Even for MFM the visit to bunker barge is still needed to make sure there is no alternation in the system and suspicious magnet attached.

Social distancing , mask and glove is definitely essential for the crew during the actual physical supply. Leave the form on the desk instead of close contact. One might argue that since the ship is isolated in the sea it should be safe, if we look at the recent case of crew caught on conv-19 both in commercial ship and navy we should understand we cant be too relax and count on our intuition.

Stay safe

Until next time

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