Contactless Bunkering (4) You sure you want to come onboard ?

Involvement of non-essential members in next few months….

It is scary when a unknown barge come close and make request to go up to the ship.and start checking.

Damn it PSA check.

Normally PSA check regular thing like condition of  qualified equipment , certificate etc. Nowadays might include are you secretly using high sulfur fuel oil. According to ship and bunker, some officer in UK already saying that they cant go on board because it will increase risk of catching the virus.  it could also be a universal problem for checking IMO2020 compliance.

Other affected party is surveyor. Technically as long as C/E of receiving vessel and cargo officer of bunker barge witness the opening / closing .

Surveyor presence is not essential.

Yet when vessel is not supplied in Singapore (by watching Mass Flow Meter ). Many ship operators still prefer to have surveyor to oversee the sounding process. In recent months, more people clammed in small area will only increase the risk of inflection. Would live stream on board become a new trend with 5G ? Lets wait and see

Stay strong and safe

Until next time

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