Technical Monday : Viscosity and Temperature

What is the relationship between temperature and viscosity  ?

Last Monday around 8am, one of my close client call me urgently

” I need the viscosity temperature chart NOW !”.

She told me ship owner keep asking for it .She might also ask for it every time from today. 12 years in the industry and this is the first time someone ask for this document. Before i concluded this is the new nom; turn out its just a anxious and misunderstanding.

Back to the opening  question, the simple answer is when temperature increase, viscosity decrease. In the past when ship require 180cst , 120cst or other blended product. Very often the viscosity will be off . In most claim, supplier will offer a small commerical settlement and advice C/E just consume the fuel in higher temperature. It will normally result in extra cost in maintenance on machinery , so there is a small amount of compensation in the first place.

Base on my experience in recent months , the viscosity of LSFO is rarely over 200. Therefore its advisable for technical department to keep monitor what is the most optimal strategy to consume for lower viscosity 380cst.

Until next time

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