Why the pump take so long to start ? ( Demurrage trigger warning )

Seriously only took me 2 second to on my beer tap

One of the most frequent question follow by

Did the operation contact the agent yet ?

Did you update the ETA ?

Which barge will go supply ?

When will the barge alongside ?

and FINALLY- When will you start pumping ?

Its easy to think the moment the barge alongside the vessel , they are instantly connected and fluid start flowing like a teenager in the club.


There are series of paperwork involved before the operation start.

  1. Bunker requisition form : In order to check the vessel name, quantity and IMO
  2. Port declaration form : Make sure the vessel wont have any tax issue and surprise amount in the bunker invoice
  3. Tank measurement form : Both witness the opening of the bunker barge before pumping start

Most of the time supplier is actually more urgent to finish the delivery and move on to the next,  so chill and let the professional crew run their operation as smooth as possible

Until next time

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