“Wait…..you are saying i could save USD500 on this ? “

Another cost saving tricks?

There is a very interesting news last week ,a start up company in Singapore called F drone, they successfully transport 2kg of vitamin across 3km ocean and make it to the receiving vessel by using a drone ! Since the outbreak of conv-19, I believe there will be less and less human contact. This service in the future should be booming.

Apart from vitamin, first thing come to my mind is nautical chart. I still remember few years ago when i was working in HK as a cargo officer. Once I receive a call from owner saying his Captain require a nautical chart urgently.  I then rushed to Sheung Wan and find the required nautical chart in a tiny maritime supply store . I booked the launch boat and jump on taxi then deliver it myself. I still remember the sea chart cost like 20USD but the launch boat was 500USD ( which i can fly back and forth Singapore twice today…..with some dodgy budget airline )

Small equipment, sim card, bunker sample could possibly use the service, its amazing to see how technology further enhance the efficiency of the industry. Its exciting to see how new start up providing a workable solution for shipping company to save cost and be more productive !

Until next time

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