LOW bunker price = easy credit ?

Seems make sense right ?

A common question raised from this year diving oil price.  so is it the easiest time to get credit now ?

This question can only be answered depends on which type of clients we talking about.  If you already have credit from different source, you are having a great time. previously you have 1000MT credit from supplier A and since price drop from 70xUSD/MTD to less than 200USD/MTD , your credit facility now can book close to 3500MT from the same channel ! The challenge for you might be keep all those credit line across different channel, as most credit line will reset to zero if too long no business.

However if you don’t have any credit or  you are a new company, it is a tricky time. Since the recent scandal on one of the biggest bunker supplier in Singapore, most company are very cautious in new application and new client without payment history. Of course there are always companies willing to take  isk and that could be another form of  counter-party risk. In this case I will suggest –  try to establish a small line from any reputable players and build from there.

Until next time

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