Should i shake your hand ?

It’s official that this year Sibcon will be hosted online instead of exhibition Center , while it’s not surprising since Singapore have travel restriction and the safety distancing rule , it doesn’t make sense to have few hundreds people sit in a hall together.
Yet how will this time gonna be different ? From a trader perspective , the purposes for Sibcon mainly serve as new client discovery , crm ( aka lunch/ dinner on company Budget ), branding ( sponsorship and speaking engagement .)
For new client discovery , it’s easier to see a person and start a conersation . Yet when doing online pretty sure every suppliers and Traders are rushing to the same ownerto give sales pitch , in that sense although potential client is easier to locate but it might be hard to grab their attention when you are a complete stranger.
For client relationship management , lunch and dinner is one of the most important event to have a deep talk with the overseas client . Yet for big company who focus mainly on that area , online might be not very interesting. Imagine you are one of the biggest supplier , more or less you already in touch with almost every trader / clients which you will encounter. Why you want to pay extra to meet them on a chat room instead of  Skype.
For marketing purpose I personally think this will be a breakthrough. although title , tea sponsor is still going strong but we all know the real meat is online now. It’s would be a good opportunity for company to try on putting the main budget online , and for people communicate on a messenger or chat room format , the eyeball on your logo/ company will definitely increase much more than on the backdrop on the exhibition hall.
Until next time

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