Get the most from your online studying (while stuck at home for…1 more month or ..ever)

What to consider when studying online ??

When the world of bunkering shift from client visit back to calling / skype talk , conference to live stream , webinar , even the biggest bunker conference become virtual this year. No matter from LinkedIn to your email box, you will fid out there are more and more online courses provider nowadays than ever. I believe this is the best time to keep learning during the down and alone time. However ,  How could we choose a truly beneficial course ?

1. Know the Syllabus
Always check the subject covered before entering the course , is the material really relevant or purely academic ? Is the course still updated in today markets ? I have seen course teaching blending of 180cst from 380cst. It could be still useful but I wish I could take that class in 2008 instead of 2020. 
2. Check the credential 
Who is the instructor ? Did they ever work in the industry and in what role ? Always check if any article / videos they put out so you can have a sense of it. In the era of internet marketing almost everyone can be a guru.  it’s very crucial to do your background check 

Until next time

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