Enough of 2020, lets look into IMO 2030

Time to prepare for IMO 2030 ??

Its almost a hell of a year since IMO2020, I Jan most client spend long time researching procurement of LSFO, which port have it and which port don’t ,should I debunker the HSFO ? Before we realize it we been work from home for a year . Should we start worrying IMO2030 now ?

If 2020 is about Sulphur , 2030 is about carbon emission. As we know carbon dioxide is one of the causes for green house effect . IMO2030 is aiming to cut down 40% of currently carbon emission and get to a greener shipping environment. How could this be achieved ?

1. New source of fuel 

Using LNG as fuel can drastically decrease the carbon emission , yet it’s impossible for most shippers. Would the refinery provided a “Low Carbon “ fuel oil in 10 years ? Maybe but it highly depends on oil majors and refinery technology.

2. Lower speed 

According to a research , if the speed of the ship lower by50%, it’s possibly that the carbon emission can be lower by average 12%. However lower the speed means the Voyage will be longer and thus need more ships in the sea. Thus lowering speed for all ships could be a counter productive proposal as in total it might result in increasing carbon emission 

Until next time 

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