Should physical supplier get their license before they are allowed to sail that barge ?

Another good discussion during Sibcon is whether a physical supplier should require licensing ?

Obviously in many ports , the licensing is done by Local port authority. For example in Singapore and Fujairah , applicant have to summit certain proof and business plan ; local port authority will then evaluate and grant the license if they found suitable . In China the application is done by government agency which mysterious requirement then they can be qualified to be a supplier . If you don’t know the “mysterious” then you probably can’t be approved ( you might disagree but welcome to China ). In Hong Kong if you have 25USD to print your own BDN you could also be a physical supplier and another USD300 ( set up free for a brand new HK limited company )  you can even put your new set up “physical supplier ” in the Hong Kong marine department bunker directory. 

Another problem is how to regulate ? If there is only one local supplier in a remote port and the supplier don’t care about “global licensing” . What can supervising authority  do about it ? And god know how many small independent supplier out there. 

It’s definitely good intent to increase the quality of service from supplier , however with more control and regulation it just increase unnecessary workload and effort while a generation education among supplier and user might be a better alternative 

Until next time

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