No like seriously why this spec still exist ?

In the recent Sibcon, a shocking fact is revealed which although  now is 2020, there are still 30%  client buying ISO : 8217:2005 spec. Its mind-blowing as the last ISO05spec I personally traded should be dated back to 2009 !!!

As client of course they always hope they can get the best quality  bunkers if possible. As Traders they don’t care because they can only sell what the supplier in any particular ports can supply and that’s pretty much it. As physical supplier you sell what’s available in the terminal , it’s ISO2020? Good ! ISO2005? Alright ! Local unknown spec ? Ok ! 
Thus most of the players in bunkering industry is rather passive as it’s obviously no one try to supply outdated spec bunker on purpose but it’s all depends on the cargo source. Therefore the most workable solution is to urge refinery , oil majors etc stop producing ISO 2005, IS 2010 spec bunkers and focus on the latest edition , that could be a much easier option for everyone. 
Until next time 

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