Cloud point, pour point

What is cloud point ?

Recently a client ask me what is the cloud point of the product before supplying his vessel in Singapore . I check with the supplier and the only information we got is the cloud point. What exactly is cloud point and pour point ?

When a ship is sailing in extreme low temperature, fuel might turn into solid and make it hard for the engine to combust and consume it . The temperature required to “solidify” the fuel is the pour point and it is regulated in ISO Specification . However before the bunker fuel is “frozen”, they will first appear some muddy texture and there are certain “cloud” shape on the surface, and that temperature is the cloud point of the fuel.

My client raise a reasonable argument that cloud point should be more important than pour point. Because Once the bunker go below pour point and , its too late for them to do anything. However for cloud point, at least Chief Engineer can still do something to hope the bunker fuel not passing pour point.

There are some additives in the market that claming they might help to make longer resistance for the fuel to drop to pour point, it might be a good idea if your vessel is going to a cold region, check with your technical department to see if that help

Until next time

What do think about this ?