Should you have your own set and terms and conditions ?
One of my client who is a charterer recently ask me, they saw the owner also send out enquiry on same vessel to supplier, the set of terms and conditions including
- Vessel waiting time
- How to draw sample, when and how many
- they have options to put a counter “flow meter” for figures against barge figures, if there are any discrepency, there meters figures final and binding etc
He then ask me is that possible to send his enquiry in future with the same terms and conditions and possibly added more to protect his interest?
Of course, as client always have the right to ask for quote that comply any specific terms and conditions. Yet its also supplier rights to accept or not. Imagine you went to a port with only one national supplier and you request ” Vessel figures final and binding”, you will probably get a chuckle and no offer.
Therefore setting your own terms and conditions is not a one way road but you have to consider if your supplier accept it or how much can they accept. Anything is negotiable yet will the extra cost associated with it worth it ? Lets say there are 5 suppliers in the same port but only 1 willing to comply, your price will probably higher than “normal” enquiry.
Until next time
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