Bunker trading in livestream

Why don’t supplier sell bunkers live in Tiktok ?

In China, selling products through live stream is one of the biggest force in retail in recent years. Turnover  are estimated 30Billion USD in last year.  The Top blogger can generate a higher sales of cosmetics than all the stored combined in a small country per month in ONE single night. 

Therefore a  client asked an interesting question: “why there is no bunker company try to sell bunkers through lives stream platform ?

After some through I find it difficult because 

  1. There are no scarcity in 380cst  

In most products sold in tiktok, seller always claim that only 100 pieces  available to provoke  feeling of scarcity. However if a supplier go up and claim there are only 1000MT 380cst to be sold today and most client will probably just turn to other suppliers which have cargo with similar quote. 

       2. Bunker quote are highly affected by other factors

Its hard to just yell “market price 400USD/MT, special tiktok price 350USD/MT” on bunkers as price are highly affected by factors like  vessel name, ETA and quantity. The price sold for a 10MT and 500MT enquiry couldn’t be the same as operation cost associated are different. This also explain why most of the attempt by “bunker exchange ” fall flat due to assumption of bunker price is just the universal adaptable price to all enquiry with different conditions.

      3. Privacy 

Despite the price range for “market price ” is pretty open, most client/ suppliers still prefer keeping the fixed price confidential in order to maintain competitive advantages. Also , some client might demand the same price as the last deal despite his vessel is coming in 12 hours and upset with the extra few USD premium.

Until next time

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