2019 Christmas survival guide

How to get through the last 10 trading days ?

I believe most of us already feeling the pressure of being dragged into IMO2020 regulation and undoubtedly Dec is the most chaotic period so far in terms of securing barge slot and finding LSFO cargo , below is a few suggestion base on my observation on the first 2 weeks of Dec :
1. Fix earlier
Try to fix as soon as market started, for example for ports which based on Singapore platts like HK / Singapore / Fujairah, don’t wait till late to fix , I have a client insist sending enquiry only after 10pm and didn’t end very well for the past week , the main goal in the coming 2 weeks should focus on squeezing in the barge schedule and cargo as soon as you have an offer ; this can prevent unnecessary port change / waiting time for your good vessel
2. Fix early ( x2)
This refer to lead time prior to your Eta, as indicative by most market source , Singapore now need at least 14 days , Fujairah roughly 8-10 days in advance , for client who have tendency to wait for the last minute to compete the price movement chart , this month is a time to switch to “fix as early as possible “ will help you . Fore more info can read previous article <When is your earliest delivery ??>
3. Have a back up plan
Yes you need plan B this Christmas ( punch intended ) , for example you intend to take bunkers in northern china and then sail to Korea , but now you were informed that whole northern China is short of LSFO cargo , be ready to have other buying channel / credit ready to shift to Korea for the requirement , In this period flexibility is very needed.
Hope all of us have a peaceful Christmas
Until next time


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